Thank You
We are proud to have served you for 32 years.
As you know, we closed on April 30 as Russ is retiring. We extend our heartfelt thank you for the many years you have dined with us.
We have made many friends through the years and you are like family to us.
It has been said that J.J. Morgan's is the community meeting place where everybody knows everybody.
We will miss that feeling and will truly miss you all and wish you well.
Russ and the J.J. Morgan crew

Come Join Us One Last Time
J.J. Morgan Retirement Sale
Everything Must Go!
Are you looking for commercial restaurant equipment? Matching sets of new kitchenware? Maybe a memento to remember years of visiting? Come join us!
Thursday, May 7th, 2020 - Saturday, May 9, 2020
11:00am to 4:00pm
1520 McKenzie Ave.
(Corner of Cedar Hill & McKenzie)
Tables, chairs, and shelving
Kitchen Equipment
Kitchenware: Plates, cups, glasses, utensils, flatware
Supplies: Sealed bulk and dried goods
Free stuff!
Additional Health & Safety Information
Due to the nature of Covid-19 and the current health advisories, we will be limiting access to a maximum of 10 individuals in the store at any time to maintain a safe distance between all individuals.
We apologize for any delays this may produce throughout the day.
J.J. Morgan Restaurant
Russell Eng - Owner
(250) 721-2188
1520 McKenzie Ave. Victoria, BC